We are currently in the process of searching for a new minister.  We now have 2 excellent ministers who are on a part time basis and are serving the congregation in all capacities.  We feel that each of them is a part of our family.

Covid hit our church hard, as it did almost all churches around us.  We are trying to bring back the optimistic outlook and happiness that Sunday mornings have always brought to our members.  Please feel free to join us in this revival.

Our past minister, Larry Brandon, very eloquently summed up our church in the passage that follows.

Not far from historic Route 66 is Boston Chapel Christian Church. It is a building and a community people cannot forget. Worship moves your spirit. The monthly potluck dinner after church is like what older adults used to enjoy at their churches. The piano is played boldly. People sing from their hearts.

When have you been at a church where the seats are filled with almost as many babies, toddlers, school age children, and high school students, as there are adults? A church like that is not found in many communities.

At Boston Chapel Christian Church the sermons are not long. The Bible is preached. There is a touching of the heart as well as the mind with the gospel. If you are missing the “old country church” of your youth, visit Boston Chapel Christian Church. You will enjoy once again the great songs of the church. You will meet people who love to worship God. My hope is that you will have my experience and want to worship often at one of the finest country churches in rural Illinois.

Families from Farmersville, Virden, Girard, Litchfield, Morrisonville, Nokomis, Waggoner and villages in between have made Boston Chapel Christian Church their church. Yes, we are almost full most Sundays, but we can always make room for you. Come visit and see if you experience the refreshing of your spirit as we do each Sunday.

You will know Boston Chapel Christian Church when you come down to the four corners by the many vehicles that surround the church building each Sunday morning. Come on in and let your soul be blessed.

We hope soon to have a permanent minister who will bring us love and hope for the future.